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Category: Memory Care

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At What Age Can Dementia Set In?

A middle-aged woman with dementia stares at her calendar with a puzzled expression.

Dementia is a condition that impacts memory, cognitive functioning, and the ability to perform everyday tasks as it progresses. But at what age does dementia typically set in, and what factors influence its onset?  While dementia is often associated with aging, it doesn’t exclusively affect the elderly. Dementia typically sets in after age 65, but […]

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What’s the Difference Between Memory Care & Skilled Care

A skilled care nurse examines a senior resident's arm gently.

Understanding the different types of care available to older adults can easily feel overwhelming. For families choosing between memory care and skilled care, the primary difference is that memory care centers around support for those with cognitive decline, while skilled care provides hands-on assistance for those with complex medical needs.  Finding the proper level of […]

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When is it Time for Memory Care?

a profile of an older woman with a brain illustrated on her head with a white background symbolizing memory care.

Although taking care of an elderly family member can be immensely fulfilling, it also presents a unique set of difficulties. Age-related memory problems might get worse with time, and most family members aren’t able to take care of their loved ones full time, as they have other responsibilities to attend to.  For individuals whose memory […]

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